Thursday, May 18, 2006

Monday: A day for exploring and discovering

Monday, everyone had a bit of free time to see the movies they wanted to see most.

A big group went to see the highest costing Egyptian movie of all time, The Yacoubian Building or Omaret Yacoubian in Egyptian Arabic. Marwan Hamed, the 28-year-old director and winner in the "Best New Narrative Filmmaker" came to speak with the students on Friday (see Friday Group Screening).

Simo chose to go back to the park to shoot some footage and even joined in a protest. With the beautiful weather New York was full of protests and a number of the Moroccans caught them. All that weekend and into the week there were immigrant rights protests. Saturday, the anti-war protest against invading Iran almost made Seifollah Samadian miss his own screening and Q+A because he ran off to film it. As usual, none of our program participants are ever without their cameras.

On Saturday, there was also a "nonsense march," which ended up joining the Iran anti-war protest. The march was associated with Chris Marker's film at the festival The Case of the Grinning Cat. This image is a still from that film. Many of the filmmakers also went to see this film and someone (was it Youssef?) even participated with a cat picket sign in hand.

Karima came out to an Irish Pub called "The Pig and Whistle" for dinner. This was surely a new experience for her. She used her English to great aplomb and asked, as she looked at the cover of the menu, "Is this the specialty of the house?" It was a great joke. In fact no, we had excellent tuna steaks. Karima did order a cheeseburger though, thinking it would just be bread and melted cheese. Unfortunately, since she didn't explain what she wanted, it came with meat--that is what "burger" means. But she nibbled at things, and was receptive to trying new things. After all, when in Rome...

It was a day of new experiences for all.


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